Lundi, 3 avril 2017



Apr�s avoir lanc� en novembre dernier l�album Goodnight City, Martha Wainwright prend d�sormais d�assaut les routes qu�b�coises afin d�en pr�senter les nouvelles pi�ces.

Suite � sa tourn�e europ�enne, britannique et australienne, Martha re�oit des �loges :

� Martha Wainwright is one of the most compelling performers you could hope to see. �
- Neil McCormick, The Telegraph

� Not only is Wainwright a singer, but also a terrific storyteller. �
- Lucas Cumiskey, The Up Coming

� Her shows are a unique combination of comedy and emotion, conveyed through body language and underrated guitar skills as much as storytelling. �
- Harvey Rae, The West Australian

� Wainwright was an endearing hostess, leavening the often intense music with zippy anecdotes and a gadabout grin. At a moment when it feels as if the world is falling down around our heads, her grace and dry wit were just the pick-me-up you needed. �
- Ed Power, The Independant

� Wainwright really loses herself in the music as she sings � if you�ll pardon the clich� � and the impassioned, almost frantic climaxes of her choruses display her insane talent. �
- Kristen Sinclair, Gigging NI

� One of the 21st century�s most compelling performers [...] among the most remarkable things I�ve ever seen or heard. �
- Advice to the Lovelorn
� The French Canadian is a natural performer, seeped in stagecraft from a young age and full of tales from her past. Such is her confident swagger, you get the feeling she could do this in her sleep. �
- Hugh Russel, Buzz Magazine ���


En plus de sa tourn�e de spectacles, Martha met pr�sentement la touche finale � un livre intitul� Stories I Might Regret Telling You qui, tout comme ses chansons, ouvre une fen�tre sur sa vie, sans artifices, pr�tentions ou fausset�s.


05 avril 2017
Chicoutimi � Th��tre Banque Nationale

06 avril 2017
Qu�bec � Palais Montcalm

07 avril 2017
Dorval � Auditorium Serge Nolet

11 avril 2017
Gatineau � Salle Odyss�e

12 avril 2017
Sherbrooke � Th��tre Granada
13 avril 2017
Trois-Rivi�res � Salle Ana�s-Allard-Rousseau

27 avril 2017
Sainte-Th�r�se � Cabaret BMO

28 avril 2017
Sainte-Agathe � Le Patriote

29 avril 2017
Victoriaville � Cabaret Guy-Aubert

Cet article est classé sous :Martha Wainwright